To the Lighthouse
Category : found footage, photographic
Film installation for theater play ‘To the Lighthouse’ (Virginia Woolf, 1926).
Found footage (super8 small film) used to mirror the narrative of the novel.
Film installation / stage design for theatre play:
‘To the Lighthouse’ (Virginia Woolf).
Direction: Nienke Rooiakkers. Production: AtelierD. Amsterdam
Presentations selection: Toneelschuur, Haarlem NL, Frascatie, Amsterdam NL,
Rotterdamse Schouwburg, Rotterdam NL, Theater a/h Spui, The haque NL, a.o.
Publications: ‘Prachtige Woolfse Wereld’, Karin Veraart in Volkskrant, 22-9-03.
Anneriek de Jong in NRC Handelsblad, 30-9-03